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Mike Bigland
designer-maker sculpture jewellery

Stained Glass

I was contacted by clients seeking to commission a sculptural framework to support and display two very special stained glass panels. These panels were originally commissioned by my clients from Bizar GlassArt based in Amsterdam, from a church window which they had long admired. My brief was to create a discreet framework in which to mount the panels, so that they could be displayed to advantage in the clients’ home. A suitable window sill of an appropriate size was selected, which allows sunlight to permeate the room through both the existing window and the stained glass panels. It was agreed that, rather than something overtly sculptural, a simple Art Deco style frame manufactured from stainless steel would be most appropriate, thereby complimenting rather than distracting from the beauty of the glass and lead-work.

The former Protestant Raphaelkerk (1928) in Amsterdam-South is a typical Protestant church building from the interbellum period, example of the Amsterdam School-style (architects S. Beekman, M. Kooi) The building was reconstructed for the use of dwelling and offices.

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